Trying to balance my business, kids, home responsibilities, etc has been such a challenge right now, as I’m sure so many of you understand! Now that most of the kids’ summer plans have been canceled, I am beyond grateful to companies who provide a way for my kids to stay engaged and learn from a distance.
One thing my son Leo loves is going to camp which obviously wasn’t an in person option this year so we searched for ways that he could do so safely from our home and maybe learn about something that was of interest to him that he wouldn’t get to learn at a typical day camp. Enter iD Tech.
iD Tech is a virtual camp for kids of all skill levels 7-19 years old (grouped by age). Leo participated in the Minecraft camp last week and it was amazing! There are 2 hours of live instruction + 2 hours of project development. There were only 5 students per instructor, so he received a good amount of personal attention. I especially loved having him come to work with me and be able to focus on his own learning!
Want to sign up for online tech camp for your child? There is still a month of classes left! Use my link: and discount code is EMMY125 for $125 off a camp of your choice!