What is a mamalogue? It’s a story about the magic moments between a mom and her baby that are driven by the combination of natural instincts, deep connection, and learning baby’s specific habits & cues. Philips Avent put out a beautiful video that celebrates these moments. They are encouraging moms to tell their stories, and you know I love that!
After having Jonas, emotionally I needed a lot of help. I needed people, even just to distract me a little bit, but I had the HARDEST time admitting and asking for it. Somehow my mom just KNEW and came over to my house almost every day for those first few weeks. Sometimes we would just sit, but her presence saved me!
I didn’t understand this magical superpower until I had my own kids. It is SO real and so dang cool. One of the most rewarding parts of being a mom, and sometimes our most special moments happen when I sense my child needs something and I am able to fulfill that need for them.
Jonas rubs one side of his head when he’s tired, he turns into me with an open mouth when he’s hungry for his Philips Avent Natural bottle, and I can distinguish his different cries/whines. We’ve fallen into a bit of a routine by now, but there are always unpredictable moments where I have to use my best judgement. Seeing how he’s growing, thriving, and smiling makes me so happy and indicates that my motherly intuition is working!
As moms, I know that we all have that special bond between us and our children, so feel free to share your own mamalogue story!
(Also pictured, his favorite Philips Avent ultra soft pacifier)
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